Thursday, January 30, 2020

The sociological explanations of relationship Essay Example for Free

The sociological explanations of relationship Essay Assess the sociological explanations of the relationship between occupation and social class. The term Social Class is widely used in sociology to differentiate the population on grounds of economic considerations, such as inequality in terms of wealth or income. An occupation is an individuals established choice of employment which provides most of the time a steady source of income. According to Karl Marx, the transition from feudalism to industrialization has produced a highly unequal capitalist society consisting of only two classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie are the property, capital owning class. They own the means of production and monopolize the profits and values of industrial production. The proletariat are the landless wage workers, the mass of working people who labour for the bourgeoisie as the mode of production. Their rewards are mainly to be exploited by the bourgeoisie and be made poorer, not richer, by the social and technical advances of industrial development. This process is called pauperization. The bourgeoisie derive their class position from what Bilton et al. (1997) calls productive wealth. Productive wealth is wealth which generates additional income, such as capital invested in property or stocks and shares. However, Marx argues that it is not the bourgeoisies high income which allows them to become capitalists, rather it is the fact that they own the means of production. This therefore also makes them the sole owners of the products and their surplus, that is, the difference between the value of the labour and the value of the product of that labour. For example, Westergaard (1997), using statistics from government resources claimed that the power of the top class, which is only 1% of the population, has grown steadily from 1979 to the late 1990s. Denationalization of public enterprises (like British Airways and British Steel) has concentrated power in the hands of private businesses. The power of finance capitalists comes from mass corporate assets whose strategic deployment they lead. The globalist, Leslie Sklair (1995) takes this argument a step further. According to Sklair, the capitalist or ruling class is increasingly exercising power in transnational relationships, that is, relationships that cut across state boundaries. The capitalist economy has become the basis of the global system. Thus, wealthy corporatives like Sony or Ford can exercise as much power as many nation-states. Their products and ideology are increasingly penetrating places like the Third World market with advertising campaigns, brainwashing the masses there to accept these ideologies and products, even as they (the masses) complainingly join the ranks of the exploited. These are the main reasons why Marxists view social class as divisive rather than integrative. They do not believe it is functional for society like the Functionalist, but they do agree it is inevitable within capitalist societies. However, they also argue that there is conflict of interest between the two classes. Hence one day the proletariat will gain true class consciousness, become a class for itself instead of a class by itself, and overthrow the bourgeoisie. Only when this happens, and the means of production are communally owned will classes disappear. Marx for his part, refused to acknowledge class in terms of such categories as occupation, but rather in terms of a deeper understanding of property relations, control and ownership vis-à  -vis the proletariat. There have been many criticisms made of Marxs theory of social class. Peter Saunders (1990) rejects the Marxist view that such a small group of people in society constitutes a capitalist ruling class. While he does not deny that the hundred largest companies produce more than half of Britains manufacturing output, and therefore are responsible for taking the bulk of the key financial and administrative decisions which influences Britains industry, he merely views such individuals as an influential economic elite. Elite theorists also accept that power is concentrated in the hands of a few but denies that this power comes from the wealthy. They see instead power  deriving from the occupation of top jobs in society. For example, the position of Prime Minister automatically places one in the highest class and gives one power. In addition, Marxs theory fails to take into account the Middle Class. Although Marx identified the trend towards more non-manual workers, he made no analysis or explanation of the influence of this group in the class structure. These workers neither own the means of production nor can they be put into the proletariat. They enjoy tremendous benefits in employments, more than their manual labouring counterparts. They have greater job security, shorter hours, longer holidays, more fringe benefits, greater promotion prospects, higher life chances, higher standards of living, less chances of being convicted of criminal offences and higher incomes. For example, Westergaard and Resler (1976) found that men in full time non-manual employment in 1913-14 earned 142% of the average male wage, whereas those in manual employment earned 88%. The British sociologist, Anthony Giddeons believes that this class receives greater job benefits than the lower class or manual workers because they possess widely recognized skills, mainly mental and normally rather functional for society, which they can sell to the highest bidder. The sociologists, Roberts et al. (1977), interestingly discovered while conducting a study of a sample of 243 male white-collar workers that four images within the middle class exist. These four images were very different views of the white-collar workers and their position in the middle class and were affected by their occupational choices. The first image known as middle-mass was held by 22 percent of the sample. This 22 percent believed themselves between a small, rich upper class and an improvised lower class. They held the view that the middle class made up the bulk of the working force, and made no distinction between manual and non-manual workers, different lifestyles and images, and ideological cleavages. Most holding this view were in the middle-range of incomes for white-collar workers. The next image was called the compressed middle-class image and held by 19 percent of the sample. This 19 percent saw themselves squeezed between two groups: the small upper class and an increasingly working class. They felt  threatened by both groups. Persons falling into this category were usually small business people. The third image only had 15 percent of the sample subscribing to it. This image was named the finely graded ladder and contained four or more strata. This image is assumed as typical middle class image and persons holding this view tended to be well educated with professional qualifications and received impressively high wages. They had no sense of class loyalty and rejected the whole principle of social class. The fourth image called the proletarian image received 14 percent of the sample. They considered themselves working class and having more in common with manual workers than top management and higher professionals. Those holding this view were usually in routine white-collar jobs with little possibility of promotion and received rather low wages. Roberts et al. concluded that whilst it is true that there are factors present for the development of middle class attitudes among the white collar workers, such wide variations in white-collar class imagery meant that the middle class was fragmented. In this case, if one is to believe Robert et al. then one can argue that an individuals occupation and his/her opinion of the social status of his/her job, normally encouraged by his/ her level of income, results in what he/she deems as his/her social class, regardless of whether his/her personal view is correctly assumed or not. However, Roberts et al. have received numerous criticisms for their work. Many sociologists believe that one should never rely on subjective class images. Neo-Marxists believe that the middle class is in reality split in two with the upper part closer to the bourgeoisie and the lower part closer to the working class. In fact, the American Neo-Marxist, Erik Olin Wright (1978) acknowledges the presence of a petty bourgeoisie and identifies the Small Employers, that is, those persons who employ other workers, but more than half the profit their business comes from their own labour or that of other family members. This group exists between the Petty bourgeoisie and the Bourgeoisie and make up in the USA in 1969, 6-7%. Wright also notes the Managers and Supervisors group which is between the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat. This group creates 30-35% of the population and is actually in a contradictory position  within class relations. They possess characteristics of both groups but have neither as much control over the means of production as the Bourgeoisie nor as little control as the Proletariat. Persons within this class are normally managers, supervisors, technocrats and foremen. Foremen do not have the control over the means of production or investment but they do have minimal control over the means of production or over the labour of others. Finally, there are the Semi-autonomous wage-earners which consist of 5-11% of the population and are situated between the Proletariat and the Petty bourgeoisie. They have some control over how they work, how they produce and what they produce and hence have minimal control over the means of production. Wright uses as an example, professors in elite universities. According to him, the Bourgeoisie only took up 1-2% of the population. Marxists such as Harry Braverman, struggling to explain what Marxs doctrine does not, goes as far as to say that increasingly more members of the lower middle class are becoming part of the working class because many of them earn less than many manual workers. This process is called proletarianization. Marx ists like Westergaard and Resler believe in the existence of a coherent middle class. They refer to the upper middle class as the Petty bourgeoisie. Marxists claim that while the Petty bourgeoisie does not own the means of production, they are firm believers in the ruling classs values and usually have power over working class members. Marshall et al. (1988) criticises both Robert et al.s study and the Marxists theory. Instead, they point to Webers work on social class which they claim is a valuable explanation for the very broad differences in occupational rewards and position of manual and non-manual workers, as well as allowing gradations of social position within each class grouping. Like Marx, Weber specifically believed that ownership and non-ownership of property are important in the formation of classes. However, he disagrees with Marx on just how important owning property is. Weber preferred to determine a persons class based on their market situation, that is, their buying power in the marketplace. Neo-Weberians like John H. Goldthorpe also prefers to use market and work situation to explain the relationship between occupation and social class. For example he views the middle class as the intermediate stratum [Goldthorpe, 1980]. The intermediate stratum possesses a very weak class identity because the range of occupations within it differs  considerably and because its members are socially mobile. Hence, members remain only a short period before moving to a different class. Goldthorpe concluded that the middle class could not be united because they were divided into various strata. These can be placed into two groups: the service class, which hold higher and lower professionals, and the intermediate class, that is, routine non-manual workers, the self-employed and supervisors. Goldthorpe though changed his theory later. He decided that there did exist a primary division between different sections of the middle class based on employment status. Secondary divisions were based on employee relationships and this distinguishes class. Salary, increments, pension rights and career development opportunities on the other hand distinguished the service class. Savage et al. (1992) criticized both of Goldthorpes theories claiming that there existed a major division between professionals and managers in his service class. Goldthorpe admitted the next problem with his theory: large employers should be place in a separate category. He explains however that the group was so small that he did not see the need to place them by themselves and accepts that this might produce a small amount error. As mentioned before, Giddeons (1973) tends to see the Middle Class as those who possess educational or technical qualifications. They therefore have an advantage over the Working class and Underclass who have only their manual labour power to sell. The Underclass in particular are severely disadvantaged in that they tend to secure employment in the least desirable and most insecure jobs. Ralf Dehrendorf (1959) argues that the working class is divided into three levels: the unskilled manual worker, the semi-skilled manual worker and the skilled manual worker. He claims that this is due to differences in economic and prestige rewards linked to hierarchy of skill. Therefore, persons of the skilled manual workers group, such as skilled craftsmen, enjoy higher wages, more valuable fringe benefits, greater job security and higher prestige than semi-skilled and unskilled groups. In addition to this, Bilton et al. (1997) with regard to occupational labour markets, claim that there has been an erosion, over the past twenty to thirty years, of the traditional distinction between manual and non-manual jobs due to the expansion of the service sector. Today, white-collar jobs in  offices, retailing, repairs and servicing are so poorly paid and routinised that they are little different in terms of status and reward from traditional manual, or blue-collar work. This is especially true of those white-collar jobs which have become feminised in the sense of employing a disproportionate number of female staff. Giddeons furthers this argument, noting that women and ethnic minorities are particularly likely to be found in the lowly paid Working class and Underclass jobs. Employers recruit women to these type of jobs partly because of social prejudice, but also because they are likely to interrupt their careers as a result of marriage and child birth. Ethnic minorities are also the victims of discrimination and prejudice. In these cases, ones ethnic origin, gender and social background determines ones occupation and hence ones social class. To quote Giddeons: Where ethnic differences serve as a disqualifying market capacity, such that those in the category are heavily concentrated in the lowest paid occupations, or are chronically unemployed, we may speak of an underclass. In conclusion, occupation and social class are normally linked to one another. In most instances ones job tends to influence his place in the social strata and vice versa. Many sociologists examine how occupation and social class influence each other differently. In numerous cases they arrive at even more divisions within society than previously considered. Another interesting detail to note is that various other aspects like ones ethnicity and gender actually determine ones occupation and hence ones class. While the intricacies of occupation within the Working class and the Underclass is not discussed to the degree of which they deserve, let it be noted that divisions found within the Working class is discussed in length by W.G. Runciman(1990) and Marshall et al(1988). The basic idea being that the Working Class is even more influenced by an individuals occupation than  the Middle class. The Underclass is considered both by Charles Murray and Ralf Dehrendorf as a sort of disease b ut whether they are to be blamed for their economic state or not or whether certain occupations are just considered as underclass jobs is where these two sociologists depart in their theories. In many instances sociologists like Jan Pakulski and Malcolm Waters (1996) abandon the belief of the existence of social class and claim vigilantly that occupation cannot be influenced by some thing that does not exist. Others, such as Peter Saunders(1996) argue that the strict dictatorial ability of class is disappearing due to societies such as Britain becoming Meritocracies. Therefore, workers are not placed within strict strata because social mobility has now become easier. Instead, as the Functionalists, Talcott Parsons(1964) and Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore(1945) indicated, workers are now placed in socioeconomic order through a competitive process in which skills and abilities of different value and scarcity are carefully identified, evaluated and matched with societal needs.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Balance and Tragedy in Shakespeares Othello Essay -- Feminism Literar

Mohandas K. Gandhi once proclaimed, â€Å"There is no occasion for women to consider themselves subordinate or inferior to men† (Gandhi n.p.). Women all throughout the world have been forced to endure innumerable hardships and struggles. Merely accepting women as a rightful component of society and a necessary aspect of culture has taken countless numbers of years. And to this day, unfortunately, gender equality has yet to become a reality for many. Certain judgments and stereotypes have been placed onto women from the very beginning of time. The belief that the female gender should only be seen in society as homemakers is something that is widely accepted by people in a multitude of countries and places. Despite the setbacks, various women have felt the need to fight for their rights and prove that they are an extremely crucial part of all societies. In the nineteenth century, the Cult of Domesticity, also known as the Cult of True Womanhood, was founded. It created s pecific rules that women in the United States and Great Britain were expected to follow. How well one obeyed the rules of the Cult of Domesticity dictated her reputation among fellow citizens (â€Å"From Domestic†¦Ã¢â‚¬  n.p.). The strict guidelines often had negative effects on individuals and prevented them from acting in an honest manner. In Othello, Shakespeare created the character of Emilia to perfectly represent the struggles women faced with fitting into their roles in society. The few female characters in the play were all shown in very different lights in order to demonstrate the varying types of women that could be seen in a normal society during that time. In William Shakespeare’s work Othello, Emilia’s imbalance of logic and emotion, a result of the pressur... ...ose to a balance, the chain reaction of events that led to the ultimate tragedy could not have been halted. If Emilia had come to her final realization earlier, could the tragedy have been stopped? Possibly, but it is impossible to know for sure. Even though it occurred, Emilia did, however, in the final moments of her life, speak with purpose and honesty. Her courage to stand up for her beliefs represents one of the most important themes in Othello and has made a truly lasting impact. Works Cited â€Å"From Domestic Goddesses to Suffragists: The Story of Women Told on Bookbindings, 1820-1920.† Publishers’ Bindings Online. U of Alabama, n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2010. . Gandhi, Mohandas K. â€Å"Woman’s Status and Role in Society.† Mahatma Gandhi. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2010. .

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Facebook †Good or Bad? Essay is a very popular social network website. Facebook is so popular, that soon it will reach one billion members. There are many things said about Facebook, some good and some bad. The biggest question of all is how does it weigh out in your life. Actually, there are many advantages of using Facebook. The most common reason for people to use Facebook is to keep in contact with their friends and family. Since Facebook is free, it has become more useful than e-mails or telephones. Using the telephones can be costly especially when it comes to long-distance calls. As for e-mails, they seem to take longer for people to respond to. Therefore Facebook seems to be the best option for people to stay in touch with their friends and family, which is done by uploading pictures, posting status and comment, sending private message and so on. Facebook is best for finding old friends. When a friend goes away to another place we often do not get the chance to communicate with him or her. Now, thanks to Facebook, we are able to find and re-connect with our ex-classmates, schoolmates, former teachers, college friends etc. We can share our feelings and what is happening in and around our daily life through Facebook. We can also get feedback from our friends. It is the best medium to share your feelings and thoughts with others. However, Facebook also has its disadvantages. Some people get addicted and spend too much time on Facebook to update their status, comment on other people’s status, uploading pictures and chatting with their friends. Their time can be put to better use by pursuing other hobbies like sports and games, reading, outing with family and so on. Fake profile is another disadvantage of Facebook. Some people created fake profile and use it to insult and harass other people. The victim ended up having to lodge a police report. In some extreme cases, the victim committed  suicide. In conclusion, Facebook is good if it is used wisely. It helps us to meet many friends, old and new, but be careful not to trust all of them. One also needs to be careful on what he or she shares on Facebook to avoid possible blackmailing or sabotage in the future. Facebook – Good or Bad? is a very popular social network website. Facebook is so popular, that soon it will reach one billion members. There are many things said about Facebook, some good and some bad. The biggest question of all is how does it weigh out in your life. Actually, there are many advantages of using Facebook. The most common reason for people to use Facebook is to keep in contact with their friends and family. Since Facebook is free, it has become more useful than e-mails or telephones. Using the telephones can be costly especially when it comes to long-distance calls. As for e-mails, they seem to take longer for people to respond to. Therefore Facebook seems to be the best option for people to stay in touch with their friends and family, which is done by uploading pictures, posting status and comment, sending private message and so on. Facebook is best for finding old friends. When a friend goes away to another place we often do not get the chance to communicate with him or her. Now, thanks to Facebook, we are able to find and re-connect with our ex-classmates, schoolmates, former teachers, college friends etc. We can share our feelings and what is happening in and around our daily life through Facebook. We can also get feedback from our friends. It is the best medium to share your feelings and thoughts with others. However, Facebook also has its disadvantages. Some people get addicted and spend too much time on Facebook to update their status, comment on other people’s status, uploading pictures and chatting with their friends. Their time can be put to better use by pursuing other hobbies like sports and  games, reading, outing with family and so on. Fake profile is another disadvantage of Facebook. Some people created fake profile and use it to insult and harass other people. The victim ended up having to lodge a police report. In some extreme cases, the victim committed suicide. In conclusion, Facebook is good if it is used wisely. It helps us to meet many friends, old and new, but be careful not to trust all of them. One also needs to be careful on what he or she shares on Facebook to avoid possible blackmailing or sabotage in the future.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Characteristics of the Online Learner - 800 Words

Characteristics of the Online Learner Learners (specifically adult) engage in learning or training for various reasons, i.e., learning new skills to, add value to their qualifications, mandated by their employers, optimize spare time etc. However, learners face the challenge of remaining motivated if they do not feel the training is relevant or practical. To develop effective training when preparing a training plan/instructional material, trainers/instructional designers must be conscious of not only performance and learning context, but also features of the target population. Not all learners are alike and differ in the way they learn. â€Å"The process of identifying these specific characteristics is called assessing the relevant†¦show more content†¦There are increased numbers of students who enroll in online learning program because of being living far from the preferred learning institutions (Allen Seaman, 2007). Effective features of online learning students include internal locus control, self-directedness, learning styles, motivation, and other character traits. Research displays that the adult learners enrolled in online programs tend to have strong internal locus control than that of students in traditional in-residence learning programs. Furthermore, online learning adult learners are self-directed, and are driven by personal interests and desire to succeed. Most studies indicate that online learners tend to be highly motivated in the pursuit of their courses (Barnett, 2010). They face learning from a visionary perspective, knowing that their efforts will reap fruits of their labor. These studies also show that online â€Å"non-traditional† learners are inclined to have less concrete learning styles than traditional students. They can learn from mixed content types and activities, and they require less of interpersonal interaction in the educational environment than on-campus students. Additionally, according to the Academic Technology Center, online adult learners tend to be more emotionally stable, compulsive, intelligent, trusting, passive, self-sufficient, conforming, introverted, and expedient than on-campus students (Worcester PolytechnicShow MoreRelatedCharacteristics of a Successful Online Learner852 Words   |  4 PagesCharacteristics of a Successful Online Learner Furthering our education is proving to be more and more on demand, ever since the crash of the economy and a rising number of job losses in the United States. We find that going back to school to higher educate ourselves will result in a better resume and experience to finding a career that works for us and our families. 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